Change to corporate style of work - Peter Varholak

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Change to corporate style of work

Speaker > Speeches by management
Good evening madam Managing Director, Senior operations manager, dear employees.
Welcome all to this meeting. Let me introduce myself: My name is Peter and I am operations manager in our Fire prevention company Platinum.

1.      Change
At the beginning I want to talk little bit about change. Change is a process where one activity or state is substituted to another activity or state. It is something that is very connected with flexibility. If you are able to adapt to new situation or not means a lot. We as one of the species were able to adapt to changing environment for thousands of years and because of this we were able to survive. But throughout our history changes become faster and faster.

2.      Change to corporate style of work
In our organisation throughout last months change become faster than before. We have new offices to care for, new houses with new tenants, new exclusive places and these and overall conditions started to demand also in change of us. Dear employees: we have been used to style of work with a lot of freedom: freedom of what to wear, what to say and even what to do sometimes. I donĀ“t say it is good or bad behavior. A lot of companies do it this way and they are pretty successfull like Google for example. In our bussiness we can go this way only partly. We have people that depend on us and our work. So what exactly we are going to do differently?
- We are going to have new uniforms. We are going to proudly wear colours and signs of our company.
- We are going to have new supervisor for every team. I call it supervisor but it will be more like somebody that will communicate better ideas to managers of the company and from managers to employees.
- We are going to have regular communication trainings especially how to deal with problematic people. And also communication expert will be available to you throughout week.

3.      What good will change bring to you
Change especially when a lot of procedures are replaced with new ones is not easy. But we went through worse. Do you remember couple of months back when we had this crisis situation with fire in one of our departments and we lost contract there? And we overcome it quite smoothly? Well this I believe is nothing compared to that event.
I also sincerely believe that this change will benefit you in a lot of ways. Uniforms help support team spirit and sense of belonging. You want to work for this company and we in the management want to care about you and your needs because you make a difference. You know you can depend on us when situation requires. Also your supervisor can solve a lot of suggestions or with his cooperation a lot can improve. And finally improving your communication in work you are improving your communication also outside the work and you can strenghten your relationships or build new connections. Possibilities are endless.

I hope that change in our company will benefit all of us and that you will eventually enjoy whole process. Thank you
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